Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello Eco Warriors!
I would like to thank all those who came to the meeting. For those who were not there I will provide a small recap later in my post. Tomorrow is "Walking Wednesday" so please walk, scooter, or bike to school to show your support. Runners will come to the classrooms to tally the walkers from the classes. Today at the meeting we were given details about the more student council approach of Eco Warriors. We will have a president (with a more eco name mind you), media master, secretary, "Bud Helpers" (people who will do skits, etc.), people who will make a binder for our eco audit, announcement teams and other fun positions. For more information about the jobs please visit room 210 and look at the poster across from Ms. Moser's room. If you are interested in any of these positions you are asked to write a letter to Ms. Moser or Ms. Chandra on why you are an eligible candidate. Please have those letters ready for before Thanksgiving so they can make their decision. For those who stay for lunch please remember that we have a boomerang lunch program in which we bring our garbage we make back home. Thanks! To eliminate garbage use reusable containers.
I was glad to see that Eco Warriors had several new members and I am looking forward to have a great year. Check the blog often as there will be updates often. Thanks

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