Thursday, October 30, 2008

Have a "Green" Halloween

Halloween Tip - 

Eco Warriors when you and your family go trick-or-treating this Halloween, make sure you use reusable bags or containers that don't need to be discarded after they are used.

Cloth or canvas bags, or even pillowcases, make terrific eco-friendly alternatives to paper or plastic bags!

Have a safe and spooky Halloween!

Put Your Best Foot Forward for Walking Wednesday

Walking is a 100% cheap, green, and clean way to travel to school. It is also a great way to start your day and get your heart pumping!  Eco Warriors let's get the word out to your friends and classmates that walking is cool! Let's get the whole school walking next Wed. Nov 5th!  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's Get Walking!

"We were made to walk, and for 99% of human existence, that's how we moved - by walking. Walking is healthy for the heart, mind and the soul."
                                                    - Dr. David Suzuki 

Walking to school is fun, healthy and non-polluting! It's a great way to meet new friends!

Let's Get Walking L.K.S. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eco Meeting October

Yesterday we had a great turn out for our October Eco Warrior Meeting!  

Our focus for this meeting was -
*recycling in the classroom
*recycling on the playground (new set of garbage/recycling to go on East side of playground)
*more student driven announcements regarding littering, recycling and walking Wed. 

The students are keen and eager to help do their part for the environment!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eco Warrior Meeting

Just a reminder that we will meet next week on Wed. Oct 15th in Ms. Perry's Room - 125 
Please bring your "waste-free" lunch!
Students who missed the first meeting in September are welcome to join us at this meeting if they are interested in participating as a Warrior this year!

We look forward to seeing everyone,
Mr. McLean, Ms. Perry & Ms. Shklar

Friday, October 3, 2008

Ditch that car: Kids encouraged to walk, bike or scooter to school!

Congratulations to all those students who walked, biked or rode their scooter to school on WED! Way to Go!!  Our next official Walking Wednesday will be Wed. Nov 3rd - however - I think we will see many students encouraging their parents to leave the car at home every Wednesday! 
We are impressed with your commitment to -
*improve your fitness
*decrease traffic congestion
*save gas and reduce emissions
*building social relationships by walking with a friend
Keep up the great work L.K.S.