Saturday, February 20, 2010

Check out the February 2010 Eco Schools Newsletter

Read our TDSB Eco Schools Newsletter ~ keep up with what is happening with Eco Schools
February Eco Schools Newsletter

Thursday, February 18, 2010

L.K.S. Gets Set to Sell Reusable Water Bottles ~ for 2 good reasons!

Click Here to Order Your L.K.S. Water Bottle!

Eco Warriors' have teamed up with the our Seeds of Hope Club for 2 very good reasons!
#1 - reusable water bottles (reducing of use of the plastic water bottle)
#2 - helping to build a school in Africa!

The Seeds of Hope Club is working very hard with a variety of initiatives to work towards building a school in Africa. The profits from this initiative will go directly their fund!

We are working together to promote these 2 very important global issues.

Please support our efforts by clicking on the link and pre-ordering a special edition L.K.S. water bottle.

Eco Warriors' & Seeds of Hope

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Green Up Your Valentine's Day!

So we know that with Valentine's Day comes many presents, candies, flowers and chocolates and with these things come alot of garbage!

At today's February Eco Warriors meeting the Primary students created some tips to make your Valentine's Day more green!

Tip #1: Reuse Envelopes

When sending cards to others don't put their name on the front so that they may reuse the envelope with another card at a later date.

Tip #2: Candy Wrapper Art

Use all the individual candy wrappers to make a fun and colourful collage or other art project! Multiple candy wrappers can also be glued or taped together to make your very own Valentine wrapping paper!

Tip #3: Reuse Wrapping Paper and Bags

Carefully unwrap presents to keep wrapping paper from tearing so it can be used again. Tissue paper and gift bags can also be reused!

Tip #4: Reuse Chocolate Boxes

Use boxes from chocolates for art projects or to decorate to keep special things in!

Tip #5: Compost or Dry Flowers

Instead of throwing out flowers in the garbage once they die try composting them or if you really like them dry them out and press them to keep!

Tip #6: Reuse Cards

When you receive a card reuse the pictures or front cover of the cards for other purposes. At least you reuse about half the card!

Tip #7: E-Valentines

Just like ecards, e-valentines can be sent instead of paper cards that way there is no waste or recycling!

See if you can use some of these tips this Valentine's Day - Go green!!