Sunday, June 17, 2012


As some of you may know we placed our stepping stone in the garden during lunch of Thursday. At around 9:30 of Friday it went missing but thankfully we found it. It turns out that some kindergarten students dug it up thinking they found treasure. It was safely returned and now is in Ms. Moser's room. We are currently looking into other plans (wall mount?) for the stone as we don't want it to go missing. We also have began to look into plans for the first 4 months of next year. Hopefully next year we can achieve a platinum status and that you are even more successful then we already were.
Thursday was Eco Warriors last meeting. I am very proud of all we have done and I am sad to go. Grade 8's we had so much fun and we thank you for everything. Grade 7's, Next year *you* are going to have the best year ever next year! I owe a lot to you guys and thanks of everything! :) It has been my great honour to have participated with all of you in this group. Thanks for all your support. Thanks Ms. Moser for everything.

Best of luck,
Paul Berkun-Drevnig

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thursday Meeting

Due to the Seeds of Hope meeting tomorrow, the meeting that was supposed to be tomorrow is now on Thursday, Thanks

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wrapping Up

Sadly, most of the executive council will be graduating in a matter of days. To preserve our legacy we created a stepping stone last Wednesday. Even though school is almost over we still have a few more things to do. Within the next week or so, the garden by the senior entrance will be cleaned up, (weeds removed, debris thrown out, fence fixed up, getting a bird house, etc) and we will be having another initiative. (Still narrowing down are choices)  For those who do not know we had are audit in May, which seemed to have went well. See you on June the 6th.
Thanks, Paul Berkun-Drevnig.

Wednesday June 6, is the last walking Wednesday of the year! Make it count :) 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eco Olympics

First off, I would like to apologize for the lack of update this past month, it has been incredibly busy and our incredibly dedicated team has accomplished a lot.
I am proud to say that tomorrow LKS Kindergarten students are having there Olympics.
On Thursday (Morning and Afternoon) we are having the senior Olympics. 
I would like to have a huge thank you to all the eco warriors, Ms. Moser, little buds, Ms. Busner, Ellen, Juliana, Bryn, Katilyn, Carolina, Samantha, and all other staff and students who made this possible. 
Thanks again, Paul Berkun-Drevnig

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Metting Recap/Olympics Info

Yesterday we had a meeting,
All people received a blank template in which they need to fill out for next Wednesday (March 7, 2012). The template must include the leaders, supplies, and what game you are leading.
Please place the completed templates in the green binder in Ms. Moser's room.
It is essential that you get these in ASAP as I need to type them up and and present them to Ms. Caddell.

For those in student council, please present the activities that they are hosting.

Our Olympics will be on the Thursday of earth week.

The next meeting has been moved to the wednesday after march break.

Thanks, Paul Berkun-Drevnig.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Meeting Recap

Meeting Recap:
-Discussed Eco olympics
       -->20 minute stations & 3-5 minute rotation
       -->24 teams
       -->12 games (have them alternating opposite stations)
       -->Games: Piping games, eco jenga, scavenger hunt (questions/answers), relay (with kiddie bikes/scooters), eco display (cut out handprints, make something), eco jeopardy, trash sort, ?, guest speaker, eco cheer/eco flag, ???

We also need:
central station/lost?
schedule Maker/eco naming- coco
assembly (Beginning, End) 

Pipe Game- Olivia
Eco Jenga- 
Scavenger Hunt- Paul
Relay Mini- Juliana, Bryn
Eco Display- Ms. Moser
Eco Jeapordy- Caroline, Frances
Trach Sort- Matt S, Tristan
Guest- Ms. Moser
Eco Cheer & Flag- Grace/ Student council
Oh Deer- 
Bean Bag

Next Meeting: Feb 27

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Meeting Recap

For the first half of the Executive meeting we discussed new ideas and addressed some concerns.
-We had a great idea about a school wide Eco Olympics durring Earth Week. More details to follow.

For the other half we talked about existing things.

LKS is participating in a Eco Conference on February first with 8 participants. Those who have been picked will represent LKS through a board we create and will earn points. 

Are keep the heat in campaign is beginning tomorrow. Myself and Carolina are doing the announcement. 
This campaign is much life the let the sunshine in.

Could all those who are going to the conference please hand in there forms ASAP. 

Reminder- We have a meeting tomorrow!