Thursday, December 10, 2009

Locker Clean Out!

Students have been asked to clean out lockers over the next 2 weeks, before the Christmas Break!
When cleaning lockers teachers should place 3 bins in the hallway!
Let's try to limit the amount of garbage! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Go Green for the Holidays!

Here are some tips for keeping green this holiday season!

1. Be creative with wrapping paper!
Why not use newspaper, the comics or other recycled paper products to do your wrapping? When receiving gifts unwrap the paper carefully so you can use it again. Reuse the wrapping paper or use it for student art projects! You can even use the white side of the paper to create your own new wrapping paper!

2. Using Plates, Cups and Cutlery
Make sure to use real plates, cups and cutlery over the holidays, even those left with cookies for Santa! Remember even though it's easy to clean up after a paper meal it's not that hard to wash some dishes!

3. Gift Bags and Tissue Paper
Similar to wrapping paper, if you receive a present in a gift bag with tissue paper reuse both items! Keep the bag and tissue paper in good condition and you can use it for future gifts!

4. Cards
Instead of using paper cards for the holidays send emails, post messages or send ecards! You can still give someone a present but send them an e-message instead!

5. Meals
Many holidays meals are very large and create a wealth of leftovers. Please use these wisely and not waste food. Make them into creative leftovers for your family to eat for future lunches or dinners. Remember keeping leftovers in reusable containers will keep the food fresh!

6. Travel
Many families do alot more travelling over the holidays. Make a plan with family and friends to carpool to events together or if family lives close enough, walk over! A nice walk home after a big meal is a great feeling!

7. Toys and Presents
Not everyone receives all the gifts they wanted but that doesn't mean we need to throw them out! If you receive gifts you do not want please donate them to charity or to someone you know who may enjoy it.

8. Store-Bought Gifts
Many store-bought gifts come in alot of unnecessary boxes, paper and packaging. If at all possible, avoid this by making your own gifts at home. Gifts such as baked goods, jewellery, pictures, frames, etc. can all be perfect gifts made at home!

9. Lights
Conserve energy by only choosing certain areas to decorate with lights in your home! Using energy-efficient LED lights can also help conserve alot of energy. Don't forget the best way to conserve energy is to remember to turn off the lights in areas of your home that are not in use.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Next Eco Warrior Meeting....

Wed. Dec 2 in the Library - see you there!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow Mr. McLean.....

Mr. McLean and several classes from Kindergarten to Grade 8 having been very busy Greening our School! 

Our L.K.S. gardeners' weeded the flower beds in front of the Kindergarten classes. They planted bulbs and new shrubs. They also weeded and planted the small garden by the entrance to the school. We wish to thank the students, parent volunteers and the people who donated the bulbs, plants and shrubs. It looks beautiful! Thank you to everyone involved!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wed. Nov 4th - WALKING WED & ECO WARRIORS' @ lunch!

Just a reminder that this week is our meeting on Wed. Nov 4th @ lunch! look forward to seeing you all there.

We are challenging all classes to get out and walk to school this Wed. Nov. 4th - Remember the first Wed. of every month is our set date to walk together to school.  We know that lots and lots of you walk everyday  - so encourage a friend or a neighbour to walk with you! 

Get walking L.K.S. 

Monday, October 26, 2009


10 Tips for a GREEN Halloween

1. Decorations. Instead of buying materials for decorations, gather supplies, arts and crafts throughout the year. Examples include:
*Turn stockings with runs into spider-webbing
*Turn cardboard boxes into tombstones
*Reuse your decorations from the previous year

2. Costumes. Make your own!

Keep old clothes that can be used as good pieces or parts of costumes, like worn t-shirts, black pants/shorts, etc.
If necessary, shop at thrift shops, consignment stores and yard sales, instead of buying retail.

3. Parties. When having a party, cut down on waste by avoiding disposable cups, plates and cutlery. Use regular dishes or buy biodegradable ones, and use a marker (or apply cute labels) to identify cups so party-goers can keep track of theirs.

4. Treats. Buy locally produced foods, candies and treats. Look for goodies with minimal packaging and/or those made packaged in recycled materials.

5. Trick-or-Treat Bags. Use (and decorate) household items to collect candy in. A bucket, pillowcase, or old even an old bag can be decorated inexpensively at home - and reused year after year.

6. Pumpkins. Buy pumpkins from local farms or farmers' markets. Better yet, grow your own -- kids love to watch them grow!

7. Jack-o-lanterns. Don't throw away all the goodies from inside your pumpkin. Toast the seeds for tasty treats. Make pumpkin pie or muffins with the fruit - or compost it.

8. Transportation. Trick or Treat by walking around your neighborhood instead of driving to another destination. Get to know your neighbors, reduce your carbon emissions and help keep the streets safe for other walkers.

9. Compost and Recycle. From party food to treats to pumpkins, consider composting all organic matter and recycling other items.

10. Reuse! Reuse as much as you can from year to year. Instead of throwing away an old box or bag, use it to gather all your decorations and keep for next year. Plus, you can surprise your family and friends by quickly pulling out your box and throwing an impromptu Halloween party any time of year!

Have a spooky time L.K.S. 
Eco Warriors'

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boomerang Lunch Program!

L.K.S. is off to a great start with the Boomerang Lunch Program!  Students' are stepping up and using  reusable containers more then ever! We have seen some amazing litterless lunch set ups! We encourage everyone to take pride in the lunchroom and to please not leave garbage under or on top of your table.  Please do your part to leave the lunchroom the way you found it! It makes everyone's life easier when we work as a team!  This months character trait is: responsibility!  Starting on Monday we will no longer have the garbage can or recycling bins in the lunchroom! 
Keep up the great work L.K.S.
Eco Warriors'

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

L.K.S. launches "Once A Week Garbage Pick Up"

Eco Warriors' have challenged all classrooms to "Save Our Resources" - with only "Once A Week Garbage Pick Up" all classes must be more aware of what is going into the garbage!  Set up your very own 
"Eco Audit" team and track your classes garbage consumption! You will be very surprised by just how little you should have in your garbage at the end of the day!  Go Green L.K.S.

Monday, September 28, 2009

L.K.S. launches Boomerang Lunch Program!

Dear Parents/Guardians,                                                                     
         To further our hard work from last year we will continue with even greater efforts in this year’s Eco School Program. This year, to continue to reduce waste, students will be asked to participate in our “Boomerang Lunch Program.” “Boomerang” lunches are those that consist of absolutely 100% no garbage! Every piece of the student’s lunch that is not consumed is returned home. This includes any leftover food, containers, recyclables, even garbage. Garbage bins in the lunchroom will be turned upside down and will have a reminder note on them to take garbage home for the first few weeks of the program. This will serve as a visual reminder to the students that there will be no garbage disposal during lunch at school. After this, the garbage bins will be completely removed from the lunchroom as the students adapt to the new program.

The purpose of the “Boomerang Lunch Program” is to increase awareness in our students as to the amount of waste generated in one day’s lunch. Furthermore the program will encourage and enforce the use of reusable containers and eradicate disposable ones, thus helping to do our part in reducing the amount of garbage produced in our school. We will begin “Boomerang” lunches on Tuesday, October 13, 2009!

Just a reminder that a “Boomerang” lunch includes the following items:
Reusable lunch bag or box
Reusable containers for packing food (no foil, plastic wrap/plastic bags)
Reusable drink containers (thermos or reusable bottle)
Non-disposable cutlery and cloth napkin

Thank you and we appreciate your support!

Kelly Caddel - Principal 
Stephen McLean - VP 
Ms. M. Perry
Ms. T. Shklar   
Miss. S. Buksner
Ms. R. Van Schoor

Friday, September 25, 2009

Gearing Up for Walking Wednesdays @ L.K.S.

Eco Warriors are promoting - "Walking Wednesday"
The first Wednesday of each month is our designated "Walking Day" - so ditch the car and get walking.  Designated Walking days are the same days that we hold our Eco Meetings!

We are committed to -
*improving your fitness
*decreasing traffic congestion
*saving gas and reducing emissions
*building social relationships by walking with a friend

ECO WARRIORS KICK OFF..... Wed. Sept. 30th

We look forward to seeing everyone on Wed. Sept. 30th @ lunch in the library!
Please bring your litterless lunch!
We will be discussing a variety of initiatives for the 2009-2010 school year!

See you there,
Eco Team

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Eco Warriors!
We hope you had a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you soon!
Stay tuned and listen to the announcements as we get set to launch our 2009-2010 Eco Schools Program!

We look forward to seeing you!
Ms. Perry :)

Monday, June 8, 2009


In partnership with our Parent Eco Committee we are please to bring the "Earth Rangers" School Program to our school.  Earth Rangers believes that children have both the power and desire to change the world and the right to inherit a healthy planet. They are an innovative charitable organization with a mission to inspire kids with a lasting passion to build a better future – a green future in which today’s children are transformed from being the chief inheritors of environmental destruction into a powerful and determined part of the solution. To get there, they are combining kids’ passion for animals and the environment with their love of entertainment, to engage and motivate millions of children.

Visit the Earth Rangers Link to find out more!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lots of Walkers, Bikers & scooters

We had one of the best turn outs for our last Walking Wednesday @ L.K.S.  We hope that everyone will continue to leave the car at home for the remainder of the month! Do you think you can do it? Challenge yourself and your friends - be a leader in the community! 

Reminder: Last Eco Warriors' Meeting is WED. JUNE 17th in Ms. Perry's Room! See you @ lunch!
Ms. Perry

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We hope to see as many people walking, biking, or scootering to school this WED JUNE 3rd!  This is our last Walking Wednesday for this school year and we challenge all of you to leave the car at home and help save the environment!  Ms. Moser's class leads the way as the top walking class this year - we don't expect anything less from them again this week!  So - dust off your helmet, pump up your tires and get active L.K.S.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last Eco Meeting - DATE CHANGE to WED JUNE 17th

The Eco Warriors' Final Meeting this school year will be on Wed June 17th @ lunch in Ms. Perry's classroom!  Please bring your litterless lunch!  
Thank you for your commitment and doing your part this year to help our school achieve it's goals!  
Ms. Perry 

Monday, May 25, 2009

L.K.S. votes to adopt Red Panda!

During EARTH WEEK students' voted on an endangered animal to adopt!  The Red Panda won your hearts over and thus was adopted. Below is a brief description of the Red Panda! This program is part of the Toronto Zoo. 
Description: The feet have hairy soles and the claws are semi-retractable. The red panda's front legs are angled inward, which causes it to waddle when it walks. Like the giant panda, they have an extra pseudo-thumb on each forepaw. Head & Body Length: 51.0-63.5 cm Length of Tail: 28.0-48.5 cm Height: 3.0-4.5 kg 
Habitat: Temperate mountain forests and bamboo thickets at elevations of 1,800-4,000m.
Food: The diet consists mostly of bamboo sprouts, grasses, roots, fruits and acorns. It occasionally takes insects, eggs, young birds and small rodents.
Threats: Deforestation destroys the red panda’s nesting sites and the bamboo that provides their food. Sometimes the red panda is shot for game and it is often found in the traps set for musk deer. The expanding human population in southeast Asia, the increasing need for land and lumber, the competition with local livestock for food, and pollution all contribute to the dangers for the red panda from human sources. 
Status: Endangered

Pump Up Your Tires and Get Biking!!

The City of Toronto kicks off Bike Month May 25th - June 25th! 
How many days in a row can you bike to school?
Challenge a friend or even your neighbour to ride to school! 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Earth Rangers set to visit L.K.S. on Friday June 12th

Earth Rangers believes that children have both the power and desire to change the world and the right to inherit a healthy planet. They are an innovative charitable organization with a mission to inspire kids with a lasting passion to build a better future – a green future in which today’s children are transformed from being the chief inheritors of environmental destruction into a powerful and determined part of the solution.

To get there, they are combining kids’ passion for animals and the environment with their love of entertainment, to engage and motivate millions of children.

Visit to find out more!

You can click on Earth Rangers in our Link section too!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

L.K.S. Grade 5 Students head to Energy Festival @ Exhibition Place on May 14th

The Kids' World of Energy Festival offers a fun learning experience for grade five students with an important message about the need to conserve, understand, and respect energy in our homes and communities. With over 50 educational activities, speakers and performers contributing to this celebration, students will gain a new perspective on energy in their lives. The four major theme areas of the festival are:

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Energy - Forms and Functions
  • Energy Conservation and You – At Home and in our City
  • Renewable Energy – Sun, Wind, Water, and Biomass Power
  • Energy Cycles and Climate Change – How Humans Use Energy

The Kids’ World of Energy Festival brings together over 4000 students from across the GTA to explore the relationship of energy to our lives and life on the planet.  Taking place on the grounds of the Exhibition Place from May 12th to May 15th kids have the unique opportunity to discover the science and manifestations of energy in an urban environment.

Classes Attending the Festival - Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Adair 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Great Earth Week @ L.K.S.

Wow! What a great Earth Week!
We had so many students' walking, biking or scootering to school - way to go! We hope everyone enjoyed all of the Earth Activities last week. A special thanks to our Waste Audit teams from Gr. 6,7,8 - who inspired us all with their waste audit challenge. We had a total of 16 classes participate. We want everyone to remember that Earth Day is everyday.....we should all be doing our small part to help nuture our planet each and everyday! Walk the talk L.K.S.

Remember our next Walking Wednesday is May 6th - just next week! Challenge yourself and your friends to get out and walk, bike or scooter to school more then just once a week, especially with this great weather we are having.

Eco Warriors'

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today was Earth Day!  We hope everyone took a moment to celebrate our Earth!  Today Gr. 1 - 3 had a chance to do some planting that we hope to later transfer outside! It looked like a lot of fun!  We also decided on which endangered animal we would like to adopt @ L.K.S. You will have to wait to hear on the morning announcements to hear the final totals. 
The Gr. 2's had their waste audit today and they did a wonderful job sort through the garbage. 

Here is what is happening on Thursday!
L.K.S. Yard Clean Up 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
*Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 3 Students’
*Walk, Bike or Run to School*
*Bring Your Litterless Lunch*  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 2 of Earth Week!

Thank you to all those students who Powered Down their classrooms today! 
The Grade 1 students' did a great job on their "Waste Audit"

Eco Activities in the Lunchroom in P.M. for Grades 1 – 3
*Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 2 Students’
*Walk, Bike or Run to School*
*Bring Your Litterless Lunch* 

Monday, April 20, 2009

L.K.S. Kicks Off Earth Week!

We held our Earth WEEK kick off assembly today - it was great to see everyone wearing GREEN!
The Eco Warriors' video was amazing and it was so wonderful to hear all the many acts of GREEN @ L.K.S. The grade 4 - 8 students' enjoyed their guest speaker - Steve Bibla! 

Tomorrow is another busy day - Tues Apr. 21 
We shift our focus to ENERGY CONSERVATION 
How can you and your classmates save Energy today?
Power Down your classroom for part of the day!

Our Audit Teams will facilitate the Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 1 Students’ today! 

Did you walk, bike or run to school today?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Earth Day Canada: Top 10 Actions
Earth Day Canada, a national environmental charity, is encouraging Canadians to renew their commitment to earth day canadathe environment this month as part of Earth Day 2009. The great part about Earth Day Canada's top 10 actions is that every one is doable today, so there's no reason why we can't starting doing our part. You know what they say: If everyone does their part, it will add up to big change. 

1. Smart Shopping

  • “Buy what you need, not what you want”
  • Consider renting and borrowing things that are seldom needed
  • Buy used items from garage sales and second-hand stores
2. Simple Savers
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
  • Use aerators on faucets and shower heads
  • Weatherstrip windows and doors
3. Transportation Alternatives
  • Walk, cycle, car pool and use public transportation
  • When driving, reduce idling and maintain correct tire pressure
  • Consider car sharing programs or renting
4. Food Choices
  • Choose local and organic foods that are in season, and support local food producers
  • Eat less meat
5. Washing and Drying
  • Wash full loads of clothes in cold water and hang to air dry
6. Heating and cooling
  • In the summer, set your thermostat to 24oC or 25oC
  • In the winter, set your thermostat to 19oC or 20oC
  • Install ceiling fans and programmable thermostats
7. Close to Home
  • Vacation, travel and work as close to home as possible
8. Bathroom Basics
  • Take short showers instead of baths
  • Close water taps while brushing your teeth
9. Careful Cleaning
  • Choose natural, non-toxic cleaning product
  • Make simple, natural cleaners with ingredients like vinegar, baking soda and water
10. Don’t Discard
  • Donate, reuse and recycle items before throwing them into the trash
  • Harmful materials like chemicals, batteries, electronics, etc. should be taken to local hazardous waste depots or recyclers

Monday, April 13, 2009

L.K.S. Gears Up For Earth Week!

March 27 – Our school participated in EARTH HOUR (Global Earth Hour March 28)
Apr 2
Launch Art Exhibit “Spring Scapes” – Photography/Art Contest
Apr 6th – Apr 17thEarth Week Blog Contest – Read the Blog win a pair of tickets to Disney “Earth”
Apr 16th – 17th – DISPLAY CASE to house the Spring Scapes submitted by students by Thursday April 16th.
Apr 21st – 24th – Fostering Leadership In The Classroom - Gr. 6,7,8 students’ will be working with our primary students – taking them through “
A Waste Audit Challenge
May 14th, 2009 - All Grade Five Students will attend the
“Kid’s World of Energy Festival” @ Exhibition Place visit

Mon. Apr 20
Day 1
Wear your green to our EARTH WEEK Assembly 9:00 a.m.
*Guest Speaker for Grade 4 – 8
Steve Bibla – Instructional Leader Ecological Literacy and Sustainable Development

Tues Apr. 21
Day 2/Instrumental
How can you and your classmates save Energy today?
Power Down your classroom for part of the day!

*Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 1 Students’

Wed Apr. 22
Day 3
Eco Activities in the Lunchroom in P.M.
Grades 1 – 3

*Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 2 Students’

Thurs Apr 23
Day 4/ Instrumental
L.K.S. Yard Clean Up 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
*Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 3 Students’

Fri Apr 24
Day 5
Cathy’s Crawlers Visits In A.M.

How can you and your classmates save Energy today?
Power Down your classroom for part of the day!

*Waste Audit Challenge for Grade 4 Students’

Sat. Apr. 25
Humber River Community Clean Up
*9:00 a.m.
*Bring Your Own Bag
*Meet at Humber River South of Dundas

What is your act of green L.K.S.?

Students' are encouraged to Walk, Bike or Run to School everyday during EARTH WEEK!
P.S. Don't forget your Litterless Lunch

Saturday, April 4, 2009

L.K.S. Earth Week Challenge - Read the Blog!

We are challenging all of the students' at Lambton Kingsway to Read This Blog!  Over the next two weeks students' will have a chance to visit this blog and answer the questions listed below. On a recycled piece of paper - jot down your name and grade - and the answer to each of the questions! The answers are on this blog - you need to find them!  Once you have completed the questions bring your paper into the office and put it in the box labeled "Earth Week Blog  Challenge".  We will pick a winner at our Earth Week Assembly from all of the entries and give you 2 tickets to see the movie "Earth" that opens on Earth Day - Apr. 22! You will hear announcements about this challenge and we hope that everyone will take a minute to read our blog! Spread the Word! 
Eco Warriors'

#1 What is the date of the very first entry on this blog?
#2 On Sept. 29, 2008 we posted to promote what event @ L.K.S.?
#3 What was the date of our very first Eco Meeting this school year?
#4 Who are the two teachers on the Eco Committee?
#5 How many Eco Links are there?
#6 How many Eco Links have you visited? List them.
#7 What is the secret word(s)?
#8 Which L.K.S. class had 89% of it's students walk on Apr. 1 2009?
#9 L.K.S. lowered it's energy consumption in Sept. 2008 by _______%.
#10 We are a ___________ Certified Eco School.
#11 List the 3 main topics covered at the Eco Schools Leadership Conference 2009.
#12 Visit ZeroFootPrint Kids and see what your carbon footprint is.
#13 What is your act of green?

Good Luck - contest closes on Friday Apr. 17th! 

Thursday, April 2, 2009


The Eco Warriors' want to congratulate the following classes for being the top classes for Walking Wednesday - April 1st.
Mrs. Gibson's class had 81 % of her class walk or bike.
Mrs. Bradshaw's class had 89 % of her class walk or bike.
Mrs. Moser's class had 100% of her class walk or bike to school! This is the second time that all of Ms. Moser's class has walked to school! They are great leaders in our school!
They are challenging all other class to get out and walk, bike or run to school! Our next Walking Wednesday will be May 1st but of course we encourage you to walk the talk everyday! Do you think we could all walk to school?
Eco Warriors'

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gearing Up For Earth Week!

Our Eco Warriors' are gearing up for Earth Week - Apr. 20th - 24th.
We have lots of great activities planned for this very special week, so stay tuned for more information!  Eco Warriors' are reminded to get their Acts of Green to Ms. Perry! 

Have a great Walking Wednesday!  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

April Walking Wednesday!

With the nice weather here - let's see everyone walking!  Wed. April 1st is our L.K.S. Walking Wednesday. 
Get some exercise, walk with a friend, do your part to reduce and slow climate change! Get Walking L.K.S.

L.K.S. Powers Down For Earth Hour

At precisely 2 p.m. L.K.S. went dark!  Well...almost dark, we needed some lights for safety reasons but every class worked in the dark for the last hours of the school day.  Our Eco Warriors did a quick audit of the school and were impressed to find everyone participating!

We hope you and your family will participate in the Global Earth Hour - Sat. Mar. 29th from 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. - there are lots of activities happening across Toronto.

Thanks for your participation,
Eco Warriors

Monday, March 23, 2009

Earth Hour @ TDSB

Lambton Kingsway gears up to participate in
Earth Hour.
Friday March 27 @ 2 - 3 pm

We encourage everyone to participate in the Global Earth Hour on Sat. Mar. 28th @ 8:30pm