Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meeting Recap

Yesterday, the executive council of Eco Warriors had a meeting. The things that we discussed for this year are:
Prioritization: We have so many great ideas but we need to stay focussed so we can achieve our goals.
Christmas: The Eco warriors will be either making "eco christmas carols" or an "eco tree"
Announcements:  Starting December 12, we will have announcements like our let the light in announcements, but instead of let the light in they will be keep the Heat in. I will write the announcement and Carmine will be reading them.
Little Bud Helpers Play: Sometime this week the Little Bud Helpers will be having their skit in the lunchroom.
Primary Eco Meeting: On December 12 the senior and primary Eco warrior meetings (entire group) the seniors will be in Ms. Moser's room and the location of the primary eco warriors meeting is still being decided. Juliana, the head little bud helper will attend the primary meeting. 
Eco Board: The Eco warriors have a great board, but not to many know about it. We are planning on making posters to tell people about it.
Walking Wednesday: Tommorrow is walking Wednedsday. Sammy and Ellen did the announcement about that today.

Things we discussed about for next year: (We hope to begging these in January) 
Pizza Delivery: Since the grade eights all deliver pizza on pizza lunches when is a better time to educate people on the right place to through things out? (Starting in the first pizza lunch of 2012?)
Other Pizza: Most of the grade eights eat their pizza in the lunchroom, and because of the boomerang lunch everything goes into a garbage can. Next pizza lunch myself, or another eco warrior will bring in a recycling bin.
Media& Eco fact of the day: Starting in January the people who are in the media division of Eco Warriors will be making Eco Posters and will be replacing the standard announcement trivia to eco trivia.
Board Raffle: Starting next year we will have a sign up sheet by the eco board. We will then conduct a raffle once a month with those names, and whoever wins will get a prize. 

-Paul Berkun-Drevnig. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Next Meeting

Next Meeting:
December 12, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Meeting Recap! (November 21, 2011)

Meeting Recap:

On Thursday we will have the"bud helpers" have a presentation in the lunchroom. (Bruno and Matthew S. Please take some photos and email them to me, thanks)

December 2 is Pizza day so it would be nice to have some eco pics!

We have discussed getting our eco point across to older kids.
We are also going to work on getting a garbage can outside by the doors that lock. Other solutions such as wheeling out a garbage can.

Big kid Helper leader: Olivia Moore
This is a subcommittee to help the older students (6,7,8) remember to actually dispose garbage!

We will have to revamp our lights off campaign. (Weather, cloudy, lack of natural lighting etc.)
Tristan and Matthew Bradshaw will continue looking after these charts. We are trying to make it more positive. (Remember: only green, stay positive)

We will try to have another waste audit also.

Good work on Walking Wednesday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Meeting Tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow, November 21, 2011 is a meeting. Senior Eco Warriors meet at 11:30 with your lunches in Ms. Moser's room.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meeting Recap:
-reviewed positions
-discussed jobs in depth
-we have to educate LKS about our wall.
November 21
December 12
January 16
February 13
March 19
April 16
May 14
June 11
The executive council (Ellen, Juliana, Coco, Bryn, Paul, Zoe, etc) will have meetings in between these dates as well.
People who want to help people with the various positions (educating younger kids, board, media, binder, etc) got into groups.

We did a garbage audit.
Out of the 10 pounds
-6 were garbage
-4 were recycling
We could reduce our garbage by 40%

We also discussed Pizza Lunch visits and Let the Sunshine/lights off.

People who help the execs can switch jobs at the end of month.
The execs have to prepare something for them to do for the week.


-eco education

-walking tally
(The board is near if not completion)
-media (pictures, media)
(Our group will begin shortly)
-cleaning the shale pit
(Please check the paper outside of Ms. Moser's Room to check when your class is scheduled to clean)
-lights off
(Visits and announcements have started)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Meeting & Walking Wednesday Reminder

This is just a reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow at lunch. Please be there at 11:30 with your lunch and planner.
Tomorrow is also walking wednesday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Post Poned

Our meeting that was supposed to be held yesterday has been postponed to next Wednesday- Wednesday November 2, 2011. Please bring your planner.
Thanks, Paul

Walking Wednesday is on : Wednesday November 2, 2011
So don't forget to walk, bike, scooter, carpool, etc to school!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Recap of Last Week's Meeting

Hello Everyone!

The Enviro Council is in:
our President-Coco 8B, Ellen 7A
our Secretary-Zoe 8B
our Media Master- Paul 8A
our Bud Helper: Juliana 8B
our Binder maker : Samantha 8B
Other positions will be posted later
Note: Walking Wednesday is in two weeks
Our meeting for this lunch has been cancelled.
Paul Berkun-Drevnig, Media Master

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grade 8 Trip


Today the grade 8’s had the honor to watch 2 films at the ROM. Both were about the North Pole and the Antarctic’s melting ice caps due to global warming. A brief summary will be posted below. Not only did we have the pleasure of watching the films but we also listened to the producer, director and the head of Worldwide Wildlife Fund Canada. (WWF).


A marine biologist who is concerned about melting ice caps takes a journey to the poles (north and south.) There he discovers that there is a lot less ice than there should be and the little ice there is is ‘new’ ice not ‘old’ ice. A huge chunk of ice several times the size of Manhattan was just floating because the heat caused it to detach from the main glacier. He also believed that the Japanese disaster occurred because of the melting ice caps. To demonstrate how much the water has warmed, he even swam with a regular swim suit in the Antarctic! Later in the film he did several things including; raising a weather balloon, installing ice tracking equipment, and discovered un charted animals in the region.


The head off WWF Canada told us that we could track were polar bears are by going to www.wwf.ca/polarbears

This trip would not have been possible without Ms. Chandra, Mr. Ellerker, Ms. Moser, and Mr. Lanis.



edit: I will post pictures at a later time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello Eco Warriors!
I would like to thank all those who came to the meeting. For those who were not there I will provide a small recap later in my post. Tomorrow is "Walking Wednesday" so please walk, scooter, or bike to school to show your support. Runners will come to the classrooms to tally the walkers from the classes. Today at the meeting we were given details about the more student council approach of Eco Warriors. We will have a president (with a more eco name mind you), media master, secretary, "Bud Helpers" (people who will do skits, etc.), people who will make a binder for our eco audit, announcement teams and other fun positions. For more information about the jobs please visit room 210 and look at the poster across from Ms. Moser's room. If you are interested in any of these positions you are asked to write a letter to Ms. Moser or Ms. Chandra on why you are an eligible candidate. Please have those letters ready for before Thanksgiving so they can make their decision. For those who stay for lunch please remember that we have a boomerang lunch program in which we bring our garbage we make back home. Thanks! To eliminate garbage use reusable containers.
I was glad to see that Eco Warriors had several new members and I am looking forward to have a great year. Check the blog often as there will be updates often. Thanks

Monday, May 30, 2011

EcoSchools GOLD Certification!

Congratulations LKS on achieving EcoSchools GOLD Certification!

Thank you to all the teachers, students and parents involved!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Earth Week Schedule

EARTH WEEK – KICK OFF ASSEMBLY  – Monday, April 18th, 9:00 am

In the fall, the children had fun planting bulbs in our schoolyard. Now that it's spring, they will have a chance to plant some colourful flowers.The planting will take place later in May.
Grade 1: Books and Movies – Thursday, May 12thpm - LIBRARY
The children will gather and enjoy listening to stories about nature and the environment. They will also watch a couple of short films and learn how they can help our planet earth.
Grade 2: Endangered Species Presentation – Monday, May 16th pm - GYM STAGE SIDE
Anouk Bikkers, an artist and the co-founder of the Endangered Species Memory Game, will lead this presentation. Through the use of her educational game and artwork, the students will learn about endangered species and how their actions can make a difference.

Grade 3: Eco-Systems Jenga –Classrooms – During Earth Week
“Students are often taught that ecosystems are delicately balanced.” To give students a tangible model of an ecosystem and have them experience what could happen if a component of that ecosystem were removed, students will explore the concept of “delicately balanced” ecosystems by playing a modified version of the popular game Jenga. In this modified version the blocks represent one of four elements found in an ecosystem: air, water, animals & plants. During the workshop students will use the game to explore what happens to an ecosystem when key components are removed, learn how the Jenga model applies to a local ecosystem, and brainstorm what they can do to help protect fragile ecosystems. This game will be made available to all other classes for future use, I will provide an easy to follow lesson plan should you wish to use it. We have purchased several games so that small groups of 4-5 students can work together!

Grade 4 and 5: Bugs Without Borders – Tuesday, May 3rd am - GYM STAGE SIDE
During this one-hour presentation, the scientists will introduce the students to the amazing lifestyles of the insects, reptiles and amphibians of our world and the huge impact they have on the ecology of planet earth. There will be exotic live insects and other animals, preserved animals, a projector slide show with lots of great images. In the last 15 minutes, students will have an opportunity to get up close to the live insects.

GRADE 5/6: Food Share – Friday, Apr. 29th am - Room 125
Energy Detectives - Students become the detectives in this workshop, uncovering the hidden energy in the foods we eat, particularly apple cider.  Students will learn about the harvesting, growing, processing, transporting, selling and cooking that goes on before the finished product is enjoyed.

Grade 6: Eco-Systems Jenga – Classrooms - During Earth Week
“Students are often taught that ecosystems are delicately balanced.” To give students a tangible model of an ecosystem and have them experience what could happen if a component of that ecosystem were removed, students will explore the concept of “delicately balanced” ecosystems by playing a modified version of the popular game Jenga. In this modified version the blocks represent one of four elements found in an ecosystem: air, water, animals & plants. During the workshop students will use the game to explore what happens to an ecosystem when key components are removed, learn how the Jenga model applies to a local ecosystem, and brainstorm what they can do to help protect fragile ecosystems. This game will be made available to all other classes for future use, I will provide an easy to follow lesson plan should you wish to use it. We have purchased several games so that small groups of 4-5 students can work together!

Grade 7 and 8: Guest Speaker and Film– Colin Carter, Fight for the Planet -Thursday, April 21st am - LUNCHROOM
It started out as a five minute short film assignment for a grade 9 independent studies unit at Northern Secondary School and ended up as a 70-minute documentary. Colin Carter's film, Fight for the Planet investigates both the science behind climate change, and technologies that will bring us into the new 'green' future. Colin Carter will be at LKS to introduce the film and talk about his experience.

Classes will brainstorm together how to “Power Down” their own classrooms. How can they save energy and reduce their energy consumption (ex. Turning off all or some lights for a portion of the day, turning off monitors when not in use, unplugging electronics, making sure vents and heaters are clear of debris, closing the binds etc).


Monday, January 17, 2011

$500 Grant

LKS has recieved a $500 grant from Metro Ontario Inc. Foods Green Apple School Program.

The Green Apple School Program is an initiative outlined by Metro to encourage students to participate in the development of a healthier environment. Since the launch in 2009, the program has rallied thousands of students throughout Ontario to become more involved in making their school and community greener.

Please check out the link below to see how we are making our school greener with the $500 grant.
LKS's Green Idea

*A big thank you to Mrs. Johann Cooper and Mr. Lanis for their help in LKS receiving the $500 grant.