Monday, December 15, 2008

Go "Green" over the Holidays!

BYOB: When shopping this holiday season - Bring Your Own Bag!
Green Gifts: Give green and receive green. Make sure your gifts are easy on the environment. If you are planning to buy some ecofriendly gadgets, make sure you check their efficiency rating before you buy them for your loved ones. This way you can inspire your loved ones to go green too!
Green Wrapping: A Green Gift needs green wrapping too. Instead of buying shiny, glossy wrapping paper, be as creative as you can be. Use old grocery bags as a gift wrap. If simple brown wrapping papers don’t appeal to you, then you can always make them look beautiful with markers and crayons. You can also use newspapers and magazines for the same. If still you think your gift deserves something flashier, then you can also recycle the wrapping of the gifts you receive.
Green Christmas Tree: Prevent some trees from being cut by recycling old stuff into a Christmas trees or buy a cardboard Christmas tree. If you still feel that your Christmas celebrations cannot be made complete without an actual tree then you can go for a living Christmas tree that can be planted in your garden once the celebrations are over. On the other hand, if you want nothing other than a regular evergreen then make sure you mulch your tree. Christmas trees can easily be turned into mulch, putting their valuable resources back into the natural system.
Sustainable Food: Be it any type of celebration, food plays an important role. What you cook and how you cook makes the mere difference. Make sure you make use of local, fresh, organic and sustainably-sourced ingredients. From appetizers to the main course meal, everything should be made as sustainable as you can.
Reusable/Biodegradable cutlery: Don’t go for disposable plastic cutlery this Christmas. Research indicates that plastic can take thousands of years to decompose and during that time they pollute the already scarce water reserves, thereby entering the food chain and giving rise to many water-borne diseases. A better way is to use normal cutlery or biodegradable cutlery and wash them with rain-harvested water.
Recycle: Continue to recycle as much as possible!
Have a safe and wonderful holiday!
L.K.S. Eco Team

Eco Warriors Meeting today, Dec 15th!

Eco Warriors will meet today to discuss how to make it a "Green" Christmas!

Grade 1 - 3 in Ms. Shklar's Room
Grade 4 - 8 in Ms. Perry's Room

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

L.K.S. Gears Up For December Walking Wednesday!

L.K.S. gears up for another Walking Wednesday!  Did you know walking is not only good for the environment but it is one of the best exercises you can do to keep yourself healthy!  

Check the forecast and bundle up L.K.S.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Eco Update!

Eco Warriors shift focus to "Energy Conservation"

Eco Warriors are teaching their classmates the importance of conserving energy and the easy ways in which they can help.  Students will focus on using lighting in the classroom only when necessary (e.g., lights are turned off when adequate light is available from the sun, or when rooms are not being used). Students will minimize heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer by keeping outside doors closed, by closing blinds/curtains at the end of the day and by clearing vents on walls and or window sills to reduce energy.
Students will still campaign for more recycling within the school and waste minimization. 
In the spring - we will assign classes some plots of land for greening and planting! 

Go Green L.K.S.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Eco-Warrior Lunch Meeting!

Just a reminder that Monday November 10th is our next meeting! Bring your "waste-free" lunch!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Have a "Green" Halloween

Halloween Tip - 

Eco Warriors when you and your family go trick-or-treating this Halloween, make sure you use reusable bags or containers that don't need to be discarded after they are used.

Cloth or canvas bags, or even pillowcases, make terrific eco-friendly alternatives to paper or plastic bags!

Have a safe and spooky Halloween!

Put Your Best Foot Forward for Walking Wednesday

Walking is a 100% cheap, green, and clean way to travel to school. It is also a great way to start your day and get your heart pumping!  Eco Warriors let's get the word out to your friends and classmates that walking is cool! Let's get the whole school walking next Wed. Nov 5th!  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's Get Walking!

"We were made to walk, and for 99% of human existence, that's how we moved - by walking. Walking is healthy for the heart, mind and the soul."
                                                    - Dr. David Suzuki 

Walking to school is fun, healthy and non-polluting! It's a great way to meet new friends!

Let's Get Walking L.K.S. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eco Meeting October

Yesterday we had a great turn out for our October Eco Warrior Meeting!  

Our focus for this meeting was -
*recycling in the classroom
*recycling on the playground (new set of garbage/recycling to go on East side of playground)
*more student driven announcements regarding littering, recycling and walking Wed. 

The students are keen and eager to help do their part for the environment!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eco Warrior Meeting

Just a reminder that we will meet next week on Wed. Oct 15th in Ms. Perry's Room - 125 
Please bring your "waste-free" lunch!
Students who missed the first meeting in September are welcome to join us at this meeting if they are interested in participating as a Warrior this year!

We look forward to seeing everyone,
Mr. McLean, Ms. Perry & Ms. Shklar

Friday, October 3, 2008

Ditch that car: Kids encouraged to walk, bike or scooter to school!

Congratulations to all those students who walked, biked or rode their scooter to school on WED! Way to Go!!  Our next official Walking Wednesday will be Wed. Nov 3rd - however - I think we will see many students encouraging their parents to leave the car at home every Wednesday! 
We are impressed with your commitment to -
*improve your fitness
*decrease traffic congestion
*save gas and reduce emissions
*building social relationships by walking with a friend
Keep up the great work L.K.S.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Get Ready L.K.S. - Walking Wednesday Is Here

Mr. Page and the Eco Warriors hope to see as many students as possible walking to school this WED. Oct 1 - this is our first official Walking Wednesday as a whole school. Walk, bike, or scooter your way to school and do your part to help the environment while getting some exercise!

Congratulations to those students who already walk or ride to school everyday! You inspire us all :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let's Take Pride in Our Community

It was brought to our attention that several students who go off property at lunch are not taking responsibility for their garabage!  Mr. Page and the Eco Warriors made an announcement to all students about taking pride in our community!  All students must be responsible for putting garbage and recycling into the correct bin!  
We all enjoy using the shale pit, tennis courts and swimming pool area - let's take pride in our community and do our part to ensure our community stays clean.  Please don't litter!
Mr. Page & Eco Warriors!
P.S.  A great big thank you to Dawn & Callum for their comment, quick response and action!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

L.K.S. hits the Recycling Campaign Trail...

The Eco Warriors are kicking off their recycling plan with announcements and presentations to their classmates. The goal is to have everyone recycling and cutting down on paper. In an effort to reduce paper our L.K.S. staff have created blogs and websites as a way of communicating with you! Please check out Ms. Caddel's Blog @ or click on it under Eco Links! Her blog is a quick link to all other teachers links including our sports teams and eco warriors!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

L.K.S. Gears Up For Walking Wednesday!

Are you ready L.K.S.
Mr. Page has teamed up with the Eco Warriors to promote a school wide initiative
Walking Wednesday's @ L.K.S
On the first Wednesday of each month we are encouraging all students to walk or bike to school. Walking to school on Wed Oct 1st,  Wed Nov 5th, and Wed Dec 3 - do you think you can do it??

Let's all get active and help the environment!
Mr. Page


Monday, September 15, 2008

L.K.S. Goes Litterless

In a greater effort to reduce waste we will be asking students to participate in a complete "waste-free" lunch program effective Fri. Sept 10th, 2008.  All waste generated will need to be taken home in your child's lunch bag.  We hope that students will make a greater effort to pack a litterless lunch by using plastic reusable containers. By introducing litterless or waste-free lunches students can help do their part in reducing the amount of garbage produced and fulfill one of our initiatives this year!  Thank-you for participating! 

Welcome to the L.K.S. Eco Warriors Blog

Last year at Lambton Kingsway we started an Eco Warriors Club as a way for our students to become more involved with our EcoSchool Program.  EcoSchools is a program developed by the TDSB to make environmental awareness and action an integral part of everyday school life. The EcoSchools program focuses on four main themes: Waste Minimization, Energy Conservation, School Ground Greening, and Ecological Literacy.  Last school year we had over 80 enthusiastic participants from across all grade levels.  Our focus was primarily on garbage reduction through recycling and litterless lunches!  You might remember our garbage pile in the front lobby of the school over Earth Week.

As a result of our combined efforts  - we are pleased to announce that we were certified as a Gold EcoSchool for 2008/09.  This is a huge accomplishment and clearly indicates that the staff and students at Lambton Kingsway care about our environment. 
Today we held our first Eco Warrior Meeting of the year for all interested students. The turn out again was very impressive. 
We look forward to working with this group of students to help further develop our EcoSchool Program.

Stay tuned for our 2008/2009 initatives!

Mr. McLean, Ms. Perry & Ms. Shklar